
Why is thread so important in sewing?

People who sew regularly know how important it is to choose high-quality threads for their sewing. So much so, that a bad thread can end up ruining all the work, so it is not worth saving on this material. Above all, if the fabric is good and you want the seams to be resistant.

The same happens in the products that we buy and that are already sewn, such as canvas covers or specific products for water. Manufacturers know that the seams must have the highest quality and resistance and that is why they look for a multifilament pp yarn distributor capable of meeting the quality requirements demanded for the rest of the pieces of their work.

The thread must go through very demanding quality certificates, just like the fabrics, so that the resulting works can carry quality seals that certify that they are totally waterproof or that they meet the criteria promised on their labels. This is especially important for workwear, but also for products that have to withstand harsh conditions, such as awnings or outdoor furniture.

When you buy outdoor furniture for the garden, for example, you want it to be of quality and certified as being weather resistant. You do not want a sofa that in a short time has open seams because the thread has rotted and has not withstood the humidity and the sun. That is why manufacturers look for these high-quality threads.

If you sew at home, you know that a good job of sewing requires time and dedication and you don’t want a bad thread to spoil all the care you put into making a garment. If you are still a novice in this type of work, you may have fallen into the temptation of buying a cheap thread thinking that they are all the same and you have seen how in a short time your work loses quality.

For this reason, most people who sew already have their favorite brands and go to stores that they know have distributors of those brands that offer them all the guarantees: the colors will not fade, the seams will not open and they will resist